CALIFORNIA-(JE)-Mark Zuckerberg CEO of FACEBOOK married Priscilla Chan one day after FACEBOOK went public racking in 20 Billion dollars for Mark Zuckerberg, he married. There is a 50 % Divorce rate amount average people and 75-80 divorce among celebrities. Lawyers have indicated by Priscilla marring Zuckerberg after the public offering of his company places Zuckerberman's 20 billion dollar estate clearing within the boundries of martial property. Had Priscilla married Zuckerman prior to the public o ffering Priscilla Chan would not have been entitled to over 10 billion dollars. Divorce lawyers estimate that the Zuckerberg divorce when it comes will be the most espensive in the world. Please con tinue reading Mark Zuckerberg Gets Impromptu Wedding Gift from Green Day's Billie
INDONESIA-(JE)-TODAY WE CELEBRATE THE FAMOUS TOBA VOLCANIC ERUPTION THAT OCCURRED EXACTLY 74,012 YEARS AGO. Indonesia Toba Volcanic eruption, all but forgotten, was the world largest recorded national disaster which made a Nuclear Holocaust look like a Hans Christian Anderson fair tale. The Toba Volcanic Eruption wiped out the entire human population, leaving only 1,041 women of child baring years and only 57 breeding males. “The Earth had come within a hair's breath of annihilation,” according to the Nations leading Vulcanologist, Harold Goldenshalf. The Toba Volcano erupts every 74,012 years and is set to erupt any day now!” Walmart is selling $99 Toba Volcanic Eruption Survival Kits which carry a guarantee of your survival or your money back. According to a Spokesman for Walmart, “The Toba Volcanic Eruption Kit, which consists of a large bottle of Vodka (TVEKS) have been one of our hottest selling items this spring, next to the Michael Jordan Gym Shoe knock offs. Next week Walmart will have a special on the Permian Extinction Survival Kits, consisting of two large bottles of Vodka. The Permian Extinction occurred 251 million years ago and it whipped out over 95% of all planetary species. Scientist report that the another Permian extinction will also occur this year and Walmart wants to be able to be the first retailer to capitalize on it. Mary Richardson Kennedy, 52, the estranged wife of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., was found dead at the couple’s home in Bedford, N.Y., her family confirmed Wednesday. They married in April 1994, just one month after Robert Kennedy divorced his first wife, Emily Ruth Black, with whom he had two children. Although Robert had four children with Mary, he filed for divorce in May 2010 after 16 years of marriage, the New York Post reported. ANALYSIS : He we have a rich and famous guy who has no compunction and no loyalty to any woman he marries who has even given him children. He divorces the mother of his first two children in 1994 than in just one month marries another woman, Mary, with whom he has another four children. Then 16 years later he files for divorce from Mary, who can't handle the excruciating thought of divorce and Mary is found dead yesterday of what appears to be suicide. So who killed Mary? Ted Kennedy had said that "Robert F. Kennedy Jr was a great guy!" Continue reading Kennedy wife found dead WASHINGTON-PRESIDENT OBAMA WILL SKIP THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION IN SEPTEMBER AND WILL ATTEND THE ASIA-PACIFIC SUMMIT IN MOSCOW THIS SEPTEMBER. A spokes person for Obama said that, Obama wants to send a message to the voters that he is on the job and that the job of president is more important than attending any democratic convention. Further Obama has said all that he can say about what he will do if re-elected any way. Joe Biden will attend the convention. “The economy is what it is and there is not much Obama can do that he already has not done to stimulate the economy and the American people just have to understand that fact. The bottom line is that if you don't have the skills to get a better job after you have been laid off, than you just have to learn to deal with it. America is great because only the most qualified people get the best jobs. No one is guaranteed a "good" paying job or any job at all for that matter. People have to learn to understand that fact! There was nothing Roosevelt could do during the great depression to improve the economy. If it was not for world war Two we still would be in a depression. Any way Mitchell wants to go to Russia and if Obama is not re-elected this might just be the last time she gets to go to a foreign country on the public doll,” according to White House press secretary Jay Carney. Bill Clinton said that "Obama was a better president than Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Al Gore put together and this proves it!" CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE NATO SUMMIT WILL BE HOSTED IN CHICAGO THIS WEEK. The City is already a billion dollars in debt, but Chicago's Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel insisted that Chicago was the appropriate place for the 2012 NATO Summit. Although there will be 51 members of NATO coming to Chicago and about 100,000 protestors. It was estimated that Chicago Police Protection will cost the city over $30 million dollars. Mayor Rahm Emanuel has opted to retain the Andy Frain Services at a cost of about $30 thousand dollars. Mayor Emanuel assures the NATO leaders that the Andy Frame Ushers will be able to handle the protestors and are very good at crowd control and that they have nothing to worry about. Mayor Emanuel said that he needs to save money for the $80 million for Navy Pier, 250 million to build a new junior college and 7.1 billion for repairs to the infrastructure of Chicago. Mayor Emanuel did save about $3 million by closing 6 of Chicago Mental Health Centers and a spokesman stated that “there was plenty of room in the Illinois Cook County Jail for the mentally ill patients who will not be able to find help from the 6 mental health care clinics that Mayor Emanuel Closed.” Mayor Emanuel is already considered one of the best Democratic Mayors that the City of Chicago has ever had according to one press report. Continue reading City of Chicago :: About the Mayor CHICAGO-(AEAE)-WILLIAM BALFOUR WAS CONVICTED OF MURDERING JENNIFER HUDSON MOTHER, BROTHER AND NEPHEW. Although there was no witnesses, no direct evidence, no DNA the stacked jury had no problem finding Mr. Balfour guilty of murder. Several members of the jury had family members who were murdered by blacks in Chicago and had no problem finding Mr. Balfour guilty beyond a reasonable doubt dispute the lack of any direct evidence. “Which just goes to show you that you don't need any actual evidence to convict anyone of a crime in a U.S. Court room,” according to legal scholar Professor Harold Goldenshalf. “Mr. Balfour may have been the murderer and may not have been the murderer, but the prosecution presented no conclusive evidence that he was other than the pure speculation of 83 witnesses who obviously did not like Mr. Balfour. There should be a law of evidence in capitol crimes that no one can be found guilty of first degree murder without some direct evidence, finger prints, DNA, eye witness testimony, linking him to the murder and that no sentences can be imposed longer than ten years without such direct conclusive evidence. Every month we all hear of prisoners who have been found guilty of murder that have been cleared by DNA evidence after serving over 25 years in jail. The U.S incarcerates the largest percentage of its population and many of these inmates are not guilty and can never afford good lawyers, such as Mr. Balfour.” Continue reading Suspect Convicted in WASHINGTON-(JE)-LAST NIGHT IN THE ANNUAL GALA CELEBRATION OF 2012 INDUCTEES INTO THE POLITICAL HALL OF SHAME HELD IN WASHINGTON LAST EVENING, PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN WERE AMONG THE 2012 INDUCTEES INTO THE POLITICAL HALL OF SHAME. Obama is responsible for eliminating the “Don't ask don 't tell” policy permitting sodomites to serve openly in the military and just two days ago Obama declared that he supported sodomite marriage along with his christian vice president Joe Biden. Obama made U.S. History when he “came out” in support of homosexual marriage. No U.S. President has every publicly maintained a possession that supported sodomite marriage. A day later in Illinois, Governor Quin also came out in his support of sodomite marriage. Billy Graham the master of ceremony stated that “Never in American history has there ever been an election were the lines of morality and depravity have been so clearly drawn!” Obama and Biden declined to attend the event nor accept their awards. |
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