CALIFORNIA-(JE)-Mark Zuckerberg CEO of FACEBOOK married Priscilla Chan one day after FACEBOOK went public racking in 20 Billion dollars for Mark Zuckerberg, he married. There is a 50 % Divorce rate amount average people and 75-80 divorce among celebrities. Lawyers have indicated by Priscilla marring Zuckerberg after the public offering of his company places Zuckerberman's 20 billion dollar estate clearing within the boundries of martial property. Had Priscilla married Zuckerman prior to the public o ffering Priscilla Chan would not have been entitled to over 10 billion dollars. Divorce lawyers estimate that the Zuckerberg divorce when it comes will be the most espensive in the world. Please con tinue reading Mark Zuckerberg Gets Impromptu Wedding Gift from Green Day's Billie
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January 2025