CHICAGO-(EJ)- The country is experiencing its second “Civil War” which is now being played out in the Congress and the Senate. The Democrats (the South) the Republicans (the North).
The Democrats are at war over Trump’s wall on the southern border, because the Democrats see the only way to over take the Republicans is by allowing illegal aliens to pour over into the country southern border. These illegals will become citizens and within a generation outnumber the white Europeans who founded this country.
Elizebith Warren, a presidential candidate stated, "I would let them all come to the U.S.!"
Trump represents, Davie Crockett's "last" White European stand, at the Alamo. Trump is the last white European President who has put his finger into the dike, in order to stop the Hispanic onslaught.
During the Mexican American War in 1848, when the U.S. took Texas, Arizona, Nevada and California from the Mexicans and could have taken all of the territory south of Texas to Mexico, but refused because the Congress did not want to pollute the blood of the White Europeans with that of the Mexican’s. So the U.S Generals were ordered to stop at the Reo Grand.
The one down side of Democracy, is it makes it easier for an invading inferior society to take over superior culture by merely moving its population into the superior culture's Democracy, until the inferior culture out number the current sociological group.Then the inferior culture can take over the superior culture, without firing a shot, within two generations.
That is exactly what is happening in American society today. A Hispanic Invasion! That is why there is a White Supremacists Backlash.
If Trump cannot build his wall and stop the Hispanic invasion, the U.S. will become the largest speaking Spanish Language County within a generation.
Everyone American should support Trump for re election or learn to speak Spanish!