CHICAGO-(AEAE)-Anyone who saw the 2020 Democratic debate on Wednesday night was reminded of the 1972 Democratic candidates, George McGovern and Eugene McCarthy. The biggest losers in the history of the U.S. presidential raises. It was a circus. The Democratic debate on Wednesday night featured nonstop fireworks, kicking off with every person on stage not named Mike Bloomberg going after the former New York City mayor — before the night broke down into a two-hour slug fest with all the candidates throwing punches this way and that.
The first hit at the NBC/MSNBC two-hour debate here came from front-runner Bernie Sanders the 2020 version of Eugene McCarthy, who ripped Bloomberg — who was participating in his first presidential faceoff — for his record as mayor. Bloomberg promptly fired back, telling the senator he cannot beat President Donald Trump.
Sanders slammed Bloomberg for the controversial stop-and-frisk policing policy his administration used, "which went after Latino and African American people in outrageous ways who commit more crimes than any other race," Sanders said, adding that Bloomberg's record "is not going to" increase voter turnout. Neither will the communist Bernie Sanders, Bloomberg screamed back.
The 2020 Democratic race for President will go down in flames worst than the 1968 and 1972 Democratic races, which ended in flames. Democrats are smart people they just cannot nominate a smart candidate. Democrats are Perennial losers. Democrats are people who suck basically all the time. They don't realize they suck because they often delude themselves by clinging to some distant past event to justify their existence. They are exactly like Cub or Met fans that keep cheering for losing teams season after season.