Ms. Elena Rakochy,
4401 North Ravenswood Ave, Suite 205 East, Chicago, Illinois 60640 was given an opportunity to purge her charges of Civil Rights Violations and to make the necessary accommodations that are provided under the Americans for Disability Act in order for a disabled student, who was previously qualified as a "Ceramic Artists", having taken the same course that Ms. Rakochy (773) 234-7070) was teaching, Ceramics 196 and achieved an "A" in that same class at Truman College. The disabled student chose to take Ceramics 196 again from Ms. Elena Rakochy for "art theapry" not because he even needed a grade in that course.! Notwithstanding, Ms. Elena Rakochy is charged with driving that disabled student out of her class rather than giving him the necessary accommodations under the ADA.
Ms. Rakochy forced the disabled student to withdraw from her ceramics class rather than grant that disabled student, as all of his other ceramics teachers the necessary accommodations under the ADA.. In the Opinion of Equal Justice Ms. Elena Rakochy [email protected] is an "unfit" and is not qualified to teach ceramics at Harold Washington College or any other college for that matter, in the opinion of Equal Justice.
It is important that unfit College teachers who are charged with violating the Americans for Disability Act should be exposed and Equal Justice campaigns to encourage students, parents and community leadeers to expose these "Unfit" teachers from teaching in our public institutions. Equal Justice is now circulating a petition to present to the Chancellor Cheryl L. Hyman http://www.ccc.edu/menu/pages/chancellor.aspx of the Chicago Community Colleges, urging the immediate removal of Ms. Elena Rakochy https://www.facebook.com/elenarakochy/info and "new" Dean of the Art and Architecture Department at Harold Washington College.
Chancellor Cheryl L. Hyman has reputation for turning a blind eye, when presented with evidence of other unfit Chicago Community College Instructors, who are charged with violations of the ADA and the Civil Rights of their students. Equal Justice has no faith whatsoever in Chancellor Cheryl L. Hyman taking any corrective actions to cure Chicago Community Colleges Instructors from violating the Americans for Disability Act of their students. Equal Justice believes the public needs to know. The Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel should have Cheryl L. Hyman removed from her Chancellorship of the Chicago Community Colleges.
Also the public needs to know that the Chicago Community Colleges has been charged with failing to graduate 93% of its normal students and 0% of its disabled students while bulking millions of dollars of out of federal government in students loans, fraudulent promoting graduation opportunities to the disadvantaged, minority students in Chicago.
Equal Justice has long advocated that Ms. Cheryl L. Hyman, her staff and the Chicago Community Colleges should be charged with violating the Civil Racketeering Statues 18 US Code Chapter 96 - RACKETEERING. Where is American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) when you need them?
Legal Disclaimer: Ms. Elena Rakochy is considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Ms. Elena Rakochy is rated "unqualified" in the opinion of Equal Justice.