Walmart is selling $99 Toba Volcanic Eruption Survival Kits which carry a guarantee of your survival or your money back. According to a Spokesman for Walmart, “The Toba Volcanic Eruption Kit, which consists of a large bottle of Vodka (TVEKS) have been one of our hottest selling items this spring, next to the Michael Jordan Gym Shoe knock offs. Next week Walmart will have a special on the Permian Extinction Survival Kits, consisting of two large bottles of Vodka. The Permian Extinction occurred 251 million years ago and it whipped out over 95% of all planetary species. Scientist report that the another Permian extinction will also occur this year and Walmart wants to be able to be the first retailer to capitalize on it.
INDONESIA-(JE)-TODAY WE CELEBRATE THE FAMOUS TOBA VOLCANIC ERUPTION THAT OCCURRED EXACTLY 74,012 YEARS AGO. Indonesia Toba Volcanic eruption, all but forgotten, was the world largest recorded national disaster which made a Nuclear Holocaust look like a Hans Christian Anderson fair tale. The Toba Volcanic Eruption wiped out the entire human population, leaving only 1,041 women of child baring years and only 57 breeding males. “The Earth had come within a hair's breath of annihilation,” according to the Nations leading Vulcanologist, Harold Goldenshalf. The Toba Volcano erupts every 74,012 years and is set to erupt any day now!”
Walmart is selling $99 Toba Volcanic Eruption Survival Kits which carry a guarantee of your survival or your money back. According to a Spokesman for Walmart, “The Toba Volcanic Eruption Kit, which consists of a large bottle of Vodka (TVEKS) have been one of our hottest selling items this spring, next to the Michael Jordan Gym Shoe knock offs. Next week Walmart will have a special on the Permian Extinction Survival Kits, consisting of two large bottles of Vodka. The Permian Extinction occurred 251 million years ago and it whipped out over 95% of all planetary species. Scientist report that the another Permian extinction will also occur this year and Walmart wants to be able to be the first retailer to capitalize on it. Comments are closed.
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January 2025