WASHINGTON-(EJ)-WHO REALLY KILLED THE AMERICAN AMBASSADOR TO LIBYA J. Christopher Stevens? When Muammar Gaddafi was in power he protected the U.S. Ambassador, in over 40 years none were ever killed. After the Western Nations forced Gaddafi out of power, the terrorist government that took over, was unable to prevent the Islamic Terrorists from killing the U.S. Ambassador. Of course the Libyans cannot beheld responsible no more than the Saudi Arabia can be held responsible for attacking the world trade center 11 years ago, when 15 of the 19 terrorists were in fact from Saudi Arabia. The West has never had such a clever enemy as the Islamic enemies. Each Islamic Country denies involvement in any attack on the U.S. because they blame it on "extreme" elements of their Country. And the West Buys it. Why we are losing the war against the Islamic enemies is that the West is afraid to acknowledge who the enemy is, Islam!
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January 2025