Chicago (EJP)- The U.S. Navy plans to install its new hypersonic land-attack missiles on the first warship to get the missiles—the stealthy destroyer USS Zumwalt—in 2025 in order to prepare for war against China, Russia, North Korea and Iran..
The question is not whether we will go to war against China, Russia, North Korea and Iran..
the question is when?
The Navy will arm as many as 23 ships—all three Zumwalts as well as 20 late-block Virginia-class attack submarines—with the Conventional Prompt Strike missile.
The eight-ton, three-foot-diameter CPS missile can travel farther than 1,700 miles at five times the speed of sound or faster. Exact specifications are classified. One commander said "what good are these super weapons' if we can't use them?"
The missile’s speed and range make it a key weapon for the Navy as the service prepares for e war with Chinese forces in the western Pacific Ocean.
After decades of relentless modernization, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the Russians, the North Koreans and Iran are now capable of threatening U.S.Warships as far as 3,000 miles away.
China, Russia, and Iran must now be stopped from their endless aggression and their support for the North Koreans, who are planning to destroy South Korea.
President Bush had an opportunity to destroy North Korea. Obama and Trump also had opportunities to destroy North Korea.
Now Korea is stronger than ever with nuclear weapons.
ran must be destroyed before it gets nuclear weapons, before Iran destroys Israel. Iran is supplying Russia with drones to kill the Ukrainians .
U.S. naval commanders know they need more and better long-range missiles in order to take out the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians and North Korea. ..
The U.S. Defense Department has been developing hypersonic missiles—that is, maneuverable missiles capable of at least Mach 5—since the early 2000s in order to get the job done..
The CPS and its land-based cousin, the U.S. Army’s Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon, are on track to be the first operational munitions to come from this two-decade effort. “Extremely accurate, ultrafast, maneuverable and survivable, hypersonics can strike anywhere in the world within minutes,” the Army crowed.for 2023.
The Pentagon asked lawmakers for $4.7 billion for hypersonic weapons development—that’s up from $3.8 billion the previous year 2021. In late October 2022 , the Navy fired a pair of hypersonic “sounding” rockets at its test range in New Mexico. The sounding rockets, while not as wide as the CPS missile, including some of the same electronics. Testing the sounding rockets is a step toward testing the full CPS system.
The CPS munition includes three stages: two rocket boosters and, on top of them, a so-called Common Hypersonic Glide Body. The wedge-shaped CHGB separates from the boosters in mid-flight and, as its name implies, glides at Mach 5 or faster toward its Chinese target.