CHICAGO (EJ)The former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was unlawfully convicted of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in what amounted to a sham televised trial. While the felon, the criminal George Floyd who was engaged in Counterfeiting a federal crime. ... Possession of counterfeit money with fraudulent intent is a violation of Title 18, Section 472 of the United States Code and is punishable by a fine of up to $15,000, or 15 years imprisonment, or both.
The conviction of Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, of murder and manslaughter for killing a felon engaged in a Federal Crime George Floyd, was a travesty of Justice. It also underscored the fact that the system of justice in the U.S. has been turned up side down. There is no racist system that helped set the conditions for the murder of Floyd and other Black men at the hands of police, there are only criminals that need to be taken off of the street, whether black or white. .
George Floyd is totally responsible for his own death as the cost of committing a Federal Crime, not from a lack of oxygen from being pinned to the pavement with a knee on his neck. Floyd’s criminal conduct, drug use and underlying health problems were what killed him.
In addition the city of Minneapolis awarded George Floyd’s 18 million dollars. The tax payers in Minneapolis should be up in arms that the City Government through away 18 million dollars of tax payer money on the family of a known felon, who was committing another Federal Crime when he was arrested.
Derk Chauvin was a hero and should have been awarded a medial for the Arrest of George Floyd. Instead he is going to spend the rest of his life in jail, which sends a message to every police officer in American not to stop any negro who is breaking the law because the Officer will be charged and the negro’s family will receive millions dollars of tax payer money.
One thing is certain, that George Floyd will not be committing any more crimes. The actual injustice is that the hero Derk Chauvin was punished for doing his job as a police man.
The trial of Derk Chauvin was nothing more than a carnival put on for the blood thirsty Black Lives Matter Crowd in order to prevent the followers of Black Lives Matter from rioting and destroying all the American Cities. Tell where is George Wallace ? Jefferson Davis who had warned the country in 1859 stating that “ the negro will destroy the country, rape your women, rob your stores and kill you”