CHICAGO-AEAE- Remembering President George H.W. Bush, who was a war hero.
On November 19, 1980, President-elect Ronald Reagan and Vice President-elect George H.W. Bush paid a courtesy visit to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger met with Reagan and Bush in the Justices’ Conference Room where both men signed the Court’s guest book. Afterwards, the three men went upstairs to the Justices’ Dining Room where they were met by the other members of the Court. The visit concluded with Chief Justice Burger escorting Reagan and Bush through the Great Hall and down the front steps of the Supreme Court Building.
George Bush will always be remembered for saying "No new taxes" when he was running for election in 1988. Then he raised the taxes.
George Bush a Republican, came out publicly against the Republican Donald Trump, said "He was unfit for office" and voted for Hiliary Clinton.
When Bush lay dying, his son George W. Bush was not present, it is reported that he was at a golf outing, but was able to speak to his father through a "speaker" phone, telling him that his family loved him and will miss him".
Bush Senior was rated the 17 most popular president. Obama is rated the near the worst president.
Donald Trump currently is rated as performing the job of the president as one of the best, despite his obvious character flaws.
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