CHICAGO-(AEAE) Details that became public Sunday from Bolton’s unpublished book manuscript suggest that he could provide direct evidence that Trump sought to deny security assistance to Ukraine until Kyiv announced investigations into political opponents, including the Bidens. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said Monday, repeatedly calling Bolton’s testimony “relevant.” “It’s important to be able to hear from John Bolton, for us to be able to make an impartial judgment.”
It is obvious from the record that both John Bolton and his landsman, Mitt Romney are trying desperately to keep their names in the headlines by whatever means possible.
Last week, Trump’s attorneys had to sit quietly and watch while the House Democratic managers delivered their arguments, but Monday the roles were reversed and the seven House managers sat quietly looking on as one member of Trump’s defense team after another rose to address different aspects of the proceedings.
The first Trump lawyer to speak at length was Kenneth Starr, the former independent counsel whose expansive investigation of Bill Clinton led to Clinton’s impeachment by the House in 1998 and subsequent acquittal by the Senate. Starr talked about the constitutional basis for the impeachment process, contending that it is at risk of being abused unless today’s Senate acts to stop it.