Is Joe Biden 78, Struggling with Dementia? Or Alzhemier’s?
Washington DC (EJ) People with symptoms of dementia are given tests to check their mental abilities, such as memory or thinking. These tests are known as cognitive assessments, and may be done initially by a General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG). It has been reported that Joe Biden has refused to take an cognitive assessments, because he believes that if “, Trump is crazy, why should he have to take a cognitive assessments? After all Trump never had to turn over his taxes, should I be forced to take a “cognitive assessment, after all I am not crazy even if I don’t remember what month it is?
The Republicans believe that Ronald Regan was a good president and he was nuttier then a fruit cake”.
When asked why he was considering a black woman for his vice president, Joe Biden said, I am seventy eight, if I don’t last my first term in office, I would like to see a black woman president notwithstanding her qualifications. After all anything is better than Trump.!”
Joe Biden said, "I believe in open borders, if i am elected president I will let all of the Mexicans into this country who want to come here. After all Mexicans are willing to do work in American that lazy Americans and blacks are not willing to do. "