Chicago-(EJP) Russia announced a withdrawal of its troops from the southern Ukrainian regional capital of Kherson and surrounding areas, a major victory for Ukraine in its efforts to oust Russian troops from its territory.
Its now time for the the Ukrainian Death Quad to clean up the dead bodies of the civilians that the Russians murdered.
The record shows that the Russians have murdered thousands of innocent civilians in Kherson.
Now its the Ukrainians turn to slaughter the Russian soldiers like sheep so much so that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Russia Announces a Withdrawal From Kherson, only Regional Ukrainian Capital It Held.
One Ukrainian soldier said shooting Russians is like “shooting ducks in a barrow! It’s a tragedy what Putin has done to the Ukraine, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun to blow up Russian tanks, shoot down Russian helicopters and to gun down Russian soldiers, as they run from the battlefield!. Today I bagged six Russians today with my AK 74! My commanding officer gave me a ‘sarsparilla’Tomorrow my commanding officer said if I kill ten Russians that he would give me a Coke!”
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered Russian forces to withdraw to the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, Russian state news agency TASS said. Russian Gen. Sergei Surovikin said the troops would take up positions on a new defensive line that had been prepared along the river, TASS said.
Ukrainian forces have advanced town by town on Kherson in recent weeks, using long-range artillery to strike bridges and kill thousands of Russian troops in and around the city.
The Ukrainian success in Kherson, the only regional capital Moscow had seized since its February invasion, is the latest in a series of reversals for Russia. Ukraine repelled Russian forces from Kyiv in March, halted Russian advances in the east in the summer then took back swaths of the northeast in a lightning offensive in September killing more Russians then they ever dreamed of..
The slaughter is no problem to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who in September declared Kherson and three other regions part of Russia and said “that he is willing to sacrifice 20 million Russians to take the Ukraine.”
Ukrainian mother cries at the casket of her dead son, murdered by the Russians as they fled Kherson.