Their eating the cats and dogs
O Springfield fair, where quiet streets do lie,
Beneath the Ohio sky, calm and serene,
But lo! What rumor spreads, both far and nigh,
That in this town, some foul and grievous scene?
What shadows creep through alleyways at night,
Where whispers rise of beasts both soft and small,
Once cherished pets, now vanished from our sight,
Are they devoured within some banquet hall?
Hark! Speak not in jest of such cruel fare,
For tales like these breed sorrow and dismay.
Yet still, the rumor lingers in the air--
Do cats and dogs now serve as feast and prey?
Perchance some say, in dire and hungry plight,
The people turn to ways most strange and vile.
But truth, like daylight breaking darkest night,
Shall shine and cleanse this tale so grim, so vile.
O Springfield's folk, hold fast to bonds of trust,
Let mercy reign, and cast aside disgust.
Leo Stoller ED